

Kim McIntire

Kim McIntire is a retired public school teacher, community volunteer, leader of prayer groups, and part-time caregiver of her two grandchildren. In retirement she is enjoying extra time to invest in her love of Bible study and prayer journaling. Kim's passion is for people to know they can hear from God and receive from Him all they need for their everyday life. Her favorite thing to do is write and pray while sitting by a lake near her home.


Amber Sampson

Amber is a wife, a stepmother to 4 children. She has served in various ministry roles in the last 20 years. She is a board member for Rise Up serving as the admin.


Holly Hoyer

Holly Hoyer is a wife, mom of three, and has eight grandchildren. Most of her adult life has been spent doing ministry alongside her husband Chris. She’s currently the leader of the Rise Up prayer movement.


Keli Keener

Keli Keener is a wife, mother of 3, and a grandmother to 2 grandsons. She has a passion for serving in the local church. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker she has had the opportunity to serve in the Mental Health field honoring our most vulnerable individuals and families.


Kelli Carter

Kelli is a wife, auntie to many and lover of Jesus. She works in the medical field alongside her husband and has the privilege to share her love of Jesus with patients in their practice. She currently serves as a board member for the Rise Up prayer movement.


Kristi Marion

Kristi Marion is a wife, mother of two and Grammy of two. She‘s spent her professional career in the field of public education and administration. She’s retiring from that role and looking forward to the new doors that the Lord is opening


Daniel Moore

Daniel Moore lives in Missouri with his wife, Michelle, and 2 dogs. Together they have worked in youth and children's ministry in multiple church settings. They were also co-leaders in a church where they started a young adult/college career life group from the ground up. It was very successful with up to 45 members at one point in time while they were leading the group. Daniel works in ministry full time for a Christian Talk radio station and enjoys teaching God's Word and doing book studies. He currently leads an adult life group with his wife, Michelle, with the church they call home and is also a member of the prayer team. They have three grown children and two granddaughters.